The Miniature Ball Screw design brought gold medal to KSK.
The miniature ball screw produced by KSK Precise Motion won the gold medal in the “Innovative Components in Engineering” category at the International Engineering Fair held in Brno. The jury team of experts expressed their special gratitude to KSK for the added value brought by this innovative solution.
Miniature ball screws are used in many fields such as aviation, defense, transportation and medical because of their positioning and movement capabilities that require high precision.
Some technical parameters of KSK miniature products:
5-12 mm diameter, 600 mm length, P0, P1, P3 accuracy classes, Rm=800 MPa minimum shaft material strength, 94-97% efficiency, -40/+80 °C operating temperature.
The advantages of these features are high precision positioning, smooth movement ability and long-lasting operation.
Big things always come in small packages!