UTC Aerospace Systems’ third DB-110 Airborne Reconnaissance Users Group was held on October 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
In October 2018, UTC Aerospace Systems held its third users conference with their customers, also known as the ‘the DB-110 Operators Conference’ which is held approximately every two years. This year’s event was held in Edinburgh, Scotland. Vice President for Airborne Kevin Raftery said “Customers really value this event because they get an opportunity to say what they like about the product and what they don’t like. We put together an action plan and report back to them, in a big open forum and discuss strategies about how best to use the system.

UTAS has now fielded over 70 DB-110 systems to a growing customer base that has expanded to 17 end-users worldwide. The event provided a unique opportunity for users of DB-110 system to interact together by exchanging information on operational experiences.